Thursday, July 30, 2009

Announcing the Calgary UX Book Club

I'm attempting to get a Calgary UX Book Club up an running. A UX Book Club is a get-together in which people interested in the area of user experience come to discuss a book relevant to the discipline.

The Calgary UX Book Club would operate as follows:

* Everyone who attends should try and read the nominated book (you won't be barred from entry, but it helps everyone get more out of the night);

* Everyone needs to jot down and bring along: 2 things in the book that really struck a chord; and 1 thing they either hated, disagreed with; or don't understand.

* The book would be within the practice of user experience, which might include books like Indi Young's Mental Models; Dan Saffer's Design Gestural Interfaces; or classics such as The Design of Everyday Things; Don't Make Me Think; The Inmates Are Running the Asylum; etc.

* The book should not be arduous to read!

*Next Month's book will be announced at the current meeting.

I proposing the first get-together at Shaw's Barlow office (2400 32nd Ave NE) on September 7th, 2009 at 7:00pm. The exact details will be confirmed as we get closer to the date. Having our first get-together in early September should provide enough time for us to decide on the first book we want to read, time to actually read it, keeping in mind that it is summer and a lot of people are on vacation.

Join the Calgary UX Book Club Google Group to become a member and stay informed on all the latest news. Visit to learn more, submit a book to the list of suggested reading or add a ‘tick’ next to the book you'd like to vote for.

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